Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Sweet the Holidays!

I Just LOVE the holidays! I must say though, that I am so glad Christmas is over! It's such a great, romantic, loving, giving time of year but it is WAY too Hectic to enjoy for very long. . Lol, so Skoot, Bentley, Daryl And I all Got Snuggies for Christmas. I'm Not gonna lie, they are pretty Great! HA Who knew!

Anyway, Skoot and I had a Great time on Christmas Morning with just our little family opening presents first. We then went to my mom's to open there and then to his parents' to do their family celebrations and eat lunch. Then we came home to let Bentley out and sneak in a little cat nap and then Back to my mom's for Christmas dinner, Which was absolutely DELIGHTFUL!!! I must say that I do love to eat and what better time than the holidays!! Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope it was great for all!